Well, School has started again and summer seems like it was forever ago but I will always remember it! A couple things that I still haven't posted about was camping for my B-day and our exchange student Elvira. Catelyn came down for my birthday and we had a fun night with Elvira and my family. The next morning we got up and left to go camping. We had so much fun just hanging out together, playing games and eating! We even hiked down a loooong, hard hike to a big waterfall and got to swim in the fresh water. The camera makes the waterfall look smaller than it is (trust me, its huge and scary). But I jumped off!!! (After standing at the top for about ten minutes getting talked into it by my dad with everyone looking at me and people getting frusterated behind me)...... but I'm still proud I finally did it. I'm glad I could finish off the summer with an awesome few days with my famiy.
OK, I can't believe I still haven't posted about Elvira becasue she was with us for 3 weeks and was such a blast!!! We bonded so quickly and had so much fun shopping, doing hair and makeup, and listening to mucsic with each other. She really bacame such a good friend and it was so sad to see her go. I hope she always remembers me and the fun we had together. I'm going to try hard to stay in touch with her.
Well, thats all for today. I'm so excited to see the Allreds and hang out with them for nine days!! They will be here in a few hours! Gotta go!
P.S.- I got my driver's license!! whoo hoo!